Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Problems in Haiti!!!!!!!!!!!

There were many problems in Haiti; Haiti is between North America and South America. It’s near to Cuba and the Caribbean Sea. The capital of Haiti is Port-Ou-Price. Haiti has many problems such as...

Health or medical problems like: HIV, Aids, malnutrition, and diarrhea. Health is tough for these kids because they have to work so hard and in bad conditions, also they don’t have any immune or any type of resistance to the bad things. Mostly the people in Haiti kids live bad conditions such as: on the streets where sewers are very bad because it may cause disease, May be exploited, HIV and Aids might come, and malnutrition where the child doesn’t eat allot of food. Education is really hard for the Haiti kids because they don't have enough money or them family cannot pay the fees. Many children drop out schools about to 50% of the place in Haiti, mostly girls. Mostly half of the people in Haiti drop out of school near primary school and Secondary school barely anyone makes it because all of the schools want money. In Haiti, children don’t finish primary school about 98% which is allot. Education is important so the child have a good job to help the family. Many children leave their homes because they seen violence and makes them very vulnerable to many type of diseases especially measles or HIV, Aids. The reason why the death rate of the child is high because when the Haiti children leave anything can happen so maybe the people might catch them and use them as maids or been exploited or abused. When the child leaves their home, they are forced to join gangs to survive or they don't have a choice. These are why children are vulnerable. When children leave home, they are called orphans they beg for money or work. When a child become restaveks the child works for the other family or rich family as maids to get money for to get food from the family there working for. When the child is working for a family, anything can happen especProxy-Connection: keep-alive
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lly being exploited or abused. In Haiti, 600,000 adults die of HIV because they don't have proper medical care. Also out of 500,000 people in Haiti, only 300 get proper medical care for HIV or AIDS. The health problems are also caused by the bad sanitation, so that's why the people in Haiti poop on the ground because there aren’t any toilets but at least some which is bad, the reason which is bad is when the rain comes, it goes down the ground and to the poop, the poop has many bad bacteProxy-Connection: keep-alive
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a so when it evaporates and poured again, the bad bacteria from the poop is going into many peoples food or anywhere. In a family in Haiti, out of 1/14 babies live. About 1/2 people in Haiti don't have the immunization to Aids or HIV. And the other half does. Which is not a lot compared to other countries.

The Child Rights are mostly being broken like, the right to have sanitation, the right to have education, the right to have the basic needs in life, and not to be exploited.

I feel very sad for the people who are being, exploited, abused, restaveks, or have bad health problems. I don’t have a clue how they live but it must be very horrible, or awful. These people are like people in Africa which doesn’t have education, food, and health problems. Haiti are very alike to Africa, I think that the only problem is that is mostly about the school fees, you know it’s a very poor country so just let the government pay you and you just teach, the second problem is the death, and the immune to HIV, Aids. The chance of a baby becoming 12 is like very low, only if they had proper medical care then it’s possible. The immune to HIV and Aids is really low because only 300 people are lucky enough to get the immune for Aids, and HIV, its extremely low, 300 is below 30% compare to 500,000. These makes children died or going the wrong path, I would do these because that’s the only choice you have and you don’t want to die. This what make Haiti the poorest or one of the poorest country in the world.

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